Stitch uses record sequencing to determine in what order extracted records are considered for loading. This practice, along with de-duping data using Primary Keys, ensures that only the most recent version of a record is loaded into a destination. Newer data points can replace older ones, but not vice versa.

Stitch uses the sequence property on records pushed to the Import API to accomplish this. Every record in a request must have this property.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

Understanding record sequencing

Sequencing and Replication Keys

Think of sequence like a Replication Key, but on a record-by-record basis.

For the Import API, sequence functions similarly to an updated_at property: Only records that have a sequence value greater than an existing record with the same Primary Key will be replicated and loaded.

For example: The record below has a sequence value of 1574800199000:


In this example, sequence is a Unix epoch in milliseconds that translates to Tuesday, November 26, 2019 8:29:59 PM GMT-05:00.

Record sequencing, Primary Keys, and loading

Every record sent to the Import API must have a sequence property. If Primary Keys are defined for the table records are sent to, Stitch will use the provided sequence value and the record’s Primary Key to de-duplicate data. This process ensures that only the most recent version of a record is loaded into a destination.

For example: Below is a single request containing two data points, both for the same record (id: 2). Only data point 1 would be loaded into the destination, as it has a greater sequence value than data point 2:

   "action":"upsert",           /* Data point 1 */
   "sequence":1574807445000,    /* 11/26/2019 10:30:45 PM */
   "action":"upsert",           /* Data point 2 */
   "sequence":1574807395000,    /* 11/26/2019 10:29:55 PM */

Defining record sequences

Generating sequence values

When developing your Import API script, you’ll need to define how values for the sequence property are generated.

A simple solution is just to use the current timestamp, but before doing so, consider the following:

  • How frequently are the records being updated? If records with identical Primary Key values are updated every few milliseconds and pushed simultaneously, the correct version of a record may not be loaded successfully. This means that records with the same Primary Key values can’t be sent during the same clock resolution.

    For example: If the resolution is measured in milliseconds, records with identical Primary Key values cannot be sent during the same millisecond.

  • Are records being pushed from multiple sources? If so, the time clocks of these sources must be synchronized. This is especially important if different sources are pushing records to the same table.

Tracking a record's maximum sequence

In addition to generating sequence values for records, you’ll also need to track the maximum sequence value for each record being pushed to the Import API. Sequence values need to continually increase or records in the destination won’t be updated with new data.

Example request

This request for POST /v2/import/batch the contains three data points: One for record id: 1, and two for id: 2.

If these data points were received in this order, only data points 1 and 2 would continue to Stitch.

Data point 3 would not, as its sequence value is less than the sequence value for data point 2, which also has a Primary Key value of id: 2.

Example request for POST /v2/import/batch
         "action":"upsert",           /* Data point 1 */
         "sequence":1574807356000,    /* 11/26/2019 10:29:16 PM */
         "action":"upsert",           /* Data point 2 */
         "sequence":1574807445000,    /* 11/26/2019 10:30:45 PM */
         "action":"upsert",           /* Data point 3 */
         "sequence":1574807395000,    /* 11/26/2019 10:29:55 PM */